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  • When can I expect my order to be delivered?
    Depending on your choice of postage or pickup, delivery can be anywhere from the same day to 10 days time. If we can deliver your parcel locally we can have it there within the first 2-3 days. Around Australia you can expect your package between 5-7 business days (usually with tracking). Internationally we can let you know depending on location and customs clearance regulations etc. For larger orders we will contact you with estimates after the finalising of your order.
  • I want to order bulk amounts, how can I do that?
    For larger orders, we are happy to work out a fair price depending on the weight you wish to buy. For our #1 Blend we can do specialised amounts ranging up to 100kg for the time being with the capacity to fill larger orders coming in due course. Contact us for more info via the contact us page HERE!
  • How do I use #1 Blend?
    We've been asked this question alot. So here are some useful links that help explain in detail the best ways you can use our #1 blend in your garden. Firstly, this article HERE! and secondly, you may find this helpful as well HERE! If you also want a detailed breakdown of the ingredients included in the blend you can read all about them HERE!
  • How do I use #2 Blend?
    Our #2 Blend is a diverse range of green manure seeds designed to reinvigorate the soil and bring it to life. Before we find out how to use it, we need to know what seeds are in the mix! For a detailed breakdown of the seeds in our #2 Blend, click HERE! It will then prompt you to read on to the 'How To Use' section but if you want the shortcut, skip ahead and read this article HERE.
  • I'm not satisfied with my purchase, what can I do?
    Here at The Shed Organics we strive to make sure our customers have the best experience possible. If you aren't completely happy with your purchased products we would love to know about it. Let us know what's happened and we will aim to replace it or give you your money back to make sure it does not happen again. Any feedback on any or all of what we do here at The Shed Organics is welcome and we aim to be better at what we do every day, and you can help us make that possible.
  • When can I expect my order to be delivered?
    Depending on your choice of postage or pickup, delivery can be anywhere from the same day to 10 days time. If we can deliver your parcel locally we can have it there within the first 2-3 days. Around Australia you can expect your package between 5-7 business days (usually with tracking). Internationally we can let you know depending on location and customs clearance regulations etc. For larger orders we will contact you with estimates after the finalising of your order.
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